Words that


coming right up


The right words present the commonplace as creative and the conventional as unconventional. They stop us mid-yawn, pique our interest, and stay in our brains long after we’ve closed the tab.

That’s the power of copy. It’s the irresistible golden thread that stitches your brand together. 

Your business deserves words that fit like a glove and dazzle like a custom-made Valentino gown. 

Ready for a copy fitting? Fill in this form here so I can take your brand’s measurements. 

People are smart. They can sniff out inauthenticity and wishy-washy messaging from a mile off. If they can’t find what they’re looking for, they’ll hit that ‘X’ button quicker than they can say ‘cba’. 


talk to me...

“The best part of working with you was your professionalism and dedication to your craft. You really took the time to understand what I was looking for and crafted website copy that has surpassed my expectations.

Sneha Morjaria, CEO and Digital Operations Manager at The Growth Chain (new website pending)

My website is so much more polished, authoritative, inspiring, compelling and powerful. I love that you don’t rush the copy - you take the time to perfect it and get it right for your client. You would be silly not to go with Jo, that’s all I’m saying. She is the BEST!” 

This is perfect for you if: 

You’ll get: 


Investment starts at £2,000 for a 3-page website.


- You’re undergoing a rebrand and need bespoke website copy to complete your swish new brand identity.

- You’ve grown out of the ‘just get something basic on the website’ stage and require a more reliable lead generator. 

- You’ve had one too many Instagram update scares to rely on using one digital platform.

- You have no idea how to differentiate yourself from *insert competitors here*, who have a knack for selling their USPs with flair and originality.

This is perfect for you if: 

You’ll get: 


- An in-depth brand and tone of voice questionnaire

- SEO keyword research

- X3 pages of website copy delivered in an editable Google doc

- X1 round of edits

This is perfect for you if: 

You’ll get: 


Website Copywriting

Eight seconds. 

That’s how long the average attention span is when browsing online. 

When someone visits your website, how do you want them to feel? 

Will they crumble under a waffly avalanche of information overload? Is there a jarring 404 message where a delicious About page should be? 

If you’re tired of mumbling a sheepish excuse whenever someone asks for the link, you’ve come to the right place.

To rack up the clicks, calls, and conversions, you need professional, personality-packed website copy that magnetises ideal clients and keeps them there for another eight seconds. 

(And another and another.) 

Tone of Voice Guidelines 

As the saying goes, people buy from people.

In other words, people don’t eagerly whip out their debit cards for robotic, soulless brands that sound drier than a stale baguette. 

The internet is saturated with samey.

Words that barely inspire you to skim to the bottom of the page, let alone take action. 

Your tone of voice isn’t a fluffy add-on that’s ‘nice to have’. It’s how you communicate the heart and soul of your business, garner trust, and connect with dream clients.

- Writing captions, emails, and blogs feels forced as if you’re trying to be something you’re not.

- You’ve morphed your voice into a mish-mash of your competitors, and it’s inconsistent across platforms.

- You know your target market and service offering inside-out. 

- You need a set of guidelines to keep your TOV cohesive and consistent.

This is perfect for you if: 

You’ll get: 


- An in-depth brand and tone of voice questionnaire 

- A ~20-page tone of voice handbook in PDF format, including your mission statement, brand values, style choices, and use cases

- x1 round of edits

This is perfect for you if: 

You’ll get: 


Sales Page

Launching is…a lot. 
It’s taxing enough to turn a bright idea into a fully-fledged programme or membership, let alone pen thousands of words of copy to launch it into the online stratosphere. 

Close the blank Google doc, and let me handle it for you. 

At its heart, a sales page is a mini website dedicated to your offer. We’ll get to the crux of your target audience’s needs and nail messaging so spot-on it barely even feels like selling. 

No eyebrow-raising claims, no regurgitated buzzwords that make you sound like a carbon copy of your competitors. Just persuasive-without-being-pushy copy that turns silent admirers into sales and subscribers. 

- You've tried DIY-ing it before, but the results were underwhelming. Plenty of people tuned into your masterclass or downloaded your freebie but dropped off the radar when it came to sales and sign-ups. 

- You’re ready to avoid the frustration of trial and error with professionally written sales copy that draws perfect-fit clients into your inbox and Stripe notifications. 

- You're tired of following cookie-cutter templates that lack personality, creativity, and a deeper understanding of your target audience.

You’ll get: 

This is perfect for you if: 


- An in-depth brand and TOV questionnaire

- Copy for a long-form sales page

- One round of edits

This is perfect for you if: 

You’ll get: 


“Jo is an absolute asset to the team at By the Way Creative. In fact, I literally wouldn’t be without her now! Not only is she an exceptional writer, but she’s super intuitive when it comes to knowing exactly what our clients want to say

Stephanie White, Director and Founder of By the Way Creative 

She always goes above and beyond to provide a high level of service, quality copy and fantastic insights. From handling social media copy to creating long-form marketing content, I’d trust Jo with any of our clients - with her experience and expertise, I know they’re in safe hands” 

Email Sequences

There’s a reason why people rave about email marketing. It’s one of the most effective ways to turn curious readers into paying clients…

…when done correctly. 

But inboxes are busy. Finding a non-spammy email is like rifling through the Zara sales rails for a dress in your size. 

Behind every email sequence that sends open rates, click-throughs, and bookings soaring is a strategy. It’s got to pique curiosity, hold attention, and guide the reader down a path that takes them from ‘I’m listening’ to ‘I have to work with you.’ 

From welcome sequences to sales email funnels, I’ll write irresistible emails that turn your followers into fans and browsers into buyers. 

This is perfect for you if: 


Investment starts at £1,200 for a 5-part sequence.


You want to reboot your email list with content that’s as engrossing as a page-turning bestseller. No more shouting into the void—just thoughtfully curated insights and opinions that your ideal clients can’t get enough of. 

Hard-sell tactics and guilt-trippy messaging make your skin crawl. You’d prefer to take a ‘show, don’t tell’ approach and connect with people who are on your wavelength and can’t wait to work with you. 

You crave a deeper connection with your audience beyond Instagram. You want your ideas to have a longer moment in the spotlight before they refresh and disappear. 

You’re planning to launch something soon but don’t want to be that person who pops up out of nowhere when they’re selling something. You know you need to roll out the red carpet treatment to nurture your audience before they can even consider buying. 

This is perfect for you if: 


“Jo, I’m obsessed yet again. You are so amazing and I received such good feedback from the first blog post!” 

Emily Burnett, Director of Lemon Creative Studios 

The Agency Power-Up Week

You need copy yesterday, but every copywriter worth their salt has a waiting list longer than a viral Instagram restaurant. 

You’re an in-demand agency owner with a booked and busy team. But you promised your client that you could handle their copy, and now they’re “checking for an update” on the draft you’re yet to start. 

That’s what the Agency Power-Up Week is for. 

While day rates are perfect for snappy edits and short-and-sweet copy, they don’t cut it for projects that require extra thinking and research time. 

The best copy needs space to breathe, and so do you and I. That’s why I dedicate a whole week to more substantial client briefs that need a speedy turnaround. Your project is shuffled to the top of my to-do list and receives my undivided attention for five days. 

This means there’s ample time to make revisions, receive and implement thorough feedback, and ensure the final draft is 100% ready before you share it with your client.  


- You run an agency and have a tight deadline for a substantial copy project, but you lack the in-house manpower to deliver it on time to the right standard. 

- You need a quick turnaround without the potential drawbacks of rushed or half-finished work that can occur with day rates.

- You want to work closely and collaboratively with an experienced copywriter to ensure the final draft meets your client’s requirements.

This is perfect for you if: 

You’ll get: 

Wondering what we can cover in an Agency Power-Up Week? 

Here are a few things I can handle for you. 

- Website copy 
- Launch assets (e.g. a sales page, captions, and emails) 
- Social content plans  


This is for you if: 

You’ll get: 

“Jo is fantastic to work with. She really listens to you, then goes away and creates magic! From first chatting with her, I knew she ‘got’ my business and her ideas and suggestions were fantastic. 

Emma George, Founder of E.G. Virtual Services

On our monthly content calls, we would discuss the ongoings of the business and any personal details to include too if necessary, and Jo would then produce (in what seemed like a flash!) content which sounded just like me. Overall my content is performing better, it's doing exactly what I aim for it to do on the platforms. I have achieved more sign-ups to my email newsletters and more click-throughs from my IG posts.” 

Captions & graphic briefs 

We’re all told to ‘be consistent’ with social media marketing. But what use is that when you’re racking your brain for content ideas and coming up with zilch? 

Besides, we all know that knee-jerk posting is a waste of time. People’s feeds are more chaotic than ever, and attention spans are dwindling. 

A sales pitch, followed by an inspirational quote, followed by an influencer pouting by the Trevi Fountain, followed by a cult skincare product, followed by a cat meme…it’s a lot.

To stop the scroll and to make the sale, your caption strategy must be more considered than ‘post and hope.’ The words should jump from the screen with a well-considered hook that makes your ideal client sit up and listen.

But I don’t stop at captions. 

You have better things to do than faff around on Canva searching for stock imagery. That’s why I also write Carousel/meme/graphic briefs for your VA to create, so you’ve got the visuals to match. 

I’ll share the content plan with you every month for you to approve. Sit back, relax, and wait for the likes, comments, and DMs to roll in. 


This is perfect for you if: 

You’ll get: 

Investment starts at £850 p/m for x4 IG posts per week


- You run a small agency with at least a VA or designer on your team who can respond to graphic briefs and streamline your content creation process without adding to your workload. 

- You understand the need for a content strategy but don’t have the time to be the strategist, writer, and implementer. 

- You need a more holistic content marketing service that bridges the gap between simple caption writing and full-scale social media management. 

- You want to transition from sporadic posts to a strategic content plan that will skyrocket your engagement and turn followers into community members and leads.

This is perfect for you if: 

You’ll get: 


- An in-depth brand and TOV questionnaire

- A monthly catch-up call to map out your content ideas for the following month

- Weekly captions and accompanying graphic briefs

This is for you if: 

You’ll get: 


“Oh wow - these captions are incredible! You have captured ‘me’ so accurately” 

Tashlien Nunn, Business Coach

Are you a copywriter, web designer, or marketing agency owner? 


Please note I’m subject to capacity. 

TLDR: I’ll write words for you and you can take the credit. Sound good? Pop me an email. 

Whether you need long-term client copywriting support or a speedy turnaround for a deadline that’s crept up on you, say the word and I’ll be there - tag team style. 

We can talk about day rates and subcontracted rates for my white-labelling services. You provide the brief, I’ll deliver the copy, and your client tells you that you’ve smashed it. It’s like I was never there…

How it works 

You send me an email/DM about your copy requirements.

Once you’re happy with the proposal, I’ll send over a contract that details my terms so we’re both on the same page. This is written in plain, easy-to-follow language - no jargon here! For standalone projects (i.e. non retainer work), I also request a 50% deposit at this stage. 



If we’re a great match, I’ll fire over a proposal detailing the project scope, including the price, timeline, and deliverables.

the dotted line


We’ll jump on a free 30-min discovery call for an informal, face-to-face Zoom chat about your project needs.


It’s time for me to learn everything there is to know about your business. I’ll send you a detailed brand questionnaire, which we’ll go through together on a 60-minute copy consultation call. 


The handover 

After the occasional tweak, the copy is all yours! I’ll request a testimonial and we’ll part ways as new business besties. 

First draft

Now it’s time for me to study your brand and target audience with the same intensity as an actor learning a script. Within two to four weeks, I’ll polish my brainstorming into succinct copy that fits your brand like a glove. You’ll have 14 days to provide feedback to make sure everything is to your liking. This brings me to… 


Let’s get the word out, shall we? 



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Sign up for no-nonsense copywriting tips, snort-worthy biz rants, and stories to enjoy with a cuppa and a biscuit. 

Unfiltered thoughts, right this way…