name of business:
Please link your current website or business social media profile:
Can you briefly describe your business?
(Website Copy, TOV development, sales page, blogs, newsletters, captions, other)
Why do you need my support?
What services are you interested in? Please write below:
(E.g. Why do you need this service? What challenges are your business facing that copy/content could solve?)
Do you have a clear service offering?
(I.e. Have you established your services, ideal clients, and why people should buy from you?)
Who is your target audience?
Do you have a deadline?
(Please note that website copy projects typically require a 6-week timeline from the initial enquiry to the final draft)
How did you hear about me?
(E.g. Instagram, website or a recommendation)
Are you happy to be contacted about new services or offers in the future?